Crysis: Interference

A singleplayer level for Crysis featuring a maze of icy ravines.


Interference is a singleplayer level for Crysis with 15-20 mintues of new gameplay. After surviving a helicopter crash caused by a mysterious flood of interference the player must investigate a nearby village to locate its source. The level has a linear structure with open combat spaces to allow for multiple approaches on many of the encounters. After combat in both a small village and some of the surrounding valleys the level culminates in a boss fight over a large crater. The crater houses a large alien crystal that has distorted gravity in the surrounding area, and is surely the cause of the interference.

Design Goals

  • Create a high quality and engaging level for Crysis.

  • Cater to multiple play styles for each combat encounter.

  • Deliver a visually striking and memorable space for a major set piece battle.

  • Create an atmosphere of suspense, leaving players in awe of their environment.


Personal Work. I designed and built the level.





Build Time

1.5 Weeks



Play Time

15-20 Minutes.
